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Paranormal/Demonic Investigations

24 hrYour location (ie: your home or business)

Service Description

Our in house paranormal team will come out to your house if feel you have a haunting. Whether the case is a friendly ghost or a demonic spirit New Jersey Ghost Detectives can handle it. We are also affiliated with The Sacred Order of Saint Michael the Archangel Order of Exorcists. The team will forward the evidence they collect to the Archbishop and he will make the decision if there needs to be an exorcism. Be advised this process may take a few weeks to a few months to be approved and gather the evidence needed. The team will go over the evidence they collect with you and give you their recommendations on how to handle it until permission is granted for an exorcism. You can send an email to us from the contact page or got to team page at Thank you

Contact Details


P.O. Box 201

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